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Faculty & Staff Directory

 To e-mail an employee, use the e-mail listed, followed by

1 2 3 15 > showing 1 - 9 of 129 constituents

Jessica Almonte

Titles: Teacher Aide
Locations: Intermediate School

Ariane Andersen

Titles: Teaching Assistant
Locations: Junior High School

Lori Ardizzone

Titles: School Monitor
Locations: Junior High School

Christa Backman-Fleischer

Titles: Teacher, Home and Careers
Locations: Junior High School

Allison Beesmer

Titles: Teaching Assistant
Locations: Junior High School

Trisha Bell

Titles: School Monitor
Locations: Junior High School, Intermediate School

Patricia Bennett

Titles: Teacher
Locations: Intermediate School

Linda Benter

Titles: Teaching Assistant
Locations: Intermediate School

Jaclyn Bleski

Titles: Psychologist
Locations: Intermediate School
Departments: Student Support Services

Contact Us

To e-mail an employee, use the
e-mail listed, followed by

(845) 687-2400

victoria saffioti

Email: vsaffioti 
Ext. 4701

Stephen Protoss 

Assistant Principal
Email: sprotoss 
Ext. 4772

Lisa Grassi 

Principal's Office  
Email: lgrassi
Ext. 4701 

Barbara Cusher

Attendance Clerk
Email: bcusher
Ext. 4606

Krista Kelly

School Nurse
Email: kkelly
Ext. 4603